1. Log into your g+ app with your Galvan Email and Password.
2. Tap on Community on the bottom.
3. Tap +Create Challenge on the top right.
4. Fill out the details for your challenge:
- Challenge Name
- Challenge Description
- Mark the challenge as a private challenge using the check box (if left unmarked will be made into a public challenge that anyone can join)
- Set the start and end date of your challenge (max challenge length of 60 days)
- Tap on Challenge Objective to change the challenge to one of three categories
- Heart Minutes
- Steps
- galvan plus
A linked fitness device is required for data to sync and count towards challenges.
Once your Challenge is created you will be shown a code that you can share with friends for them to join your challenge.
If the challenge that was created was a Public Challenge, then anyone can join by entering the challenge code or by finding the challenge underneath the challenge code area.
If the challenge you created was a Private Challenge, when someone enters your code, you will be notified and will have to accept them into your challenge.
To admit users into your Private Challenge:
1. Check for any pending requests by tapping at your challenge in the Upcoming Challenges tile.
2. At the top right, tap on the person icon with a number.
3. Choose to Accept or Deny anyone who would requests to join your challenge.
Make sure before the challenge starts to check if you have any approval requests. Once the challenge starts no one can enter.